Spiritual Thoughts · The Wandering Mind

Book Review: The Sacred Gift of Childbirth by Marie-Ange Bigelow

Making decisions about your birth experience can be overwhelming to say the least. I remember trying to make decisions about our first and not knowing what to do. I remember being more confident about the decisions we made with our second. We were fortunate to have an LDS midwife who encouraged The Hubs and I…… Continue reading Book Review: The Sacred Gift of Childbirth by Marie-Ange Bigelow

Fitness Friday

9 Ways To Destress

Stress is an awful thing. You don’t realize the toll it takes on your body until it’s too late. Stress doesn’t just happen over night. It builds over time. Feelings of being overwhelmed, out of control, lost, disconnected, and tears often are the earliest signs of stress; at least for me. Usually a good cry…… Continue reading 9 Ways To Destress