Visiting Teaching

October 2016 Visiting Teaching: The Family Is Ordained of God

I am sorry that this is being posted a few days late. I know it most likely doesn’t matter to you, but I’m meticulous about things being posted on time or scheduled early so that I don’t forget or I’m not stressing at the end. September went by so fast and before I knew it October was here. I can’t seem to get a hold of what day it is or get everything accomplished that I need to in each day. ‘Tis the life of motherhood right?!

I love this quote! Regardless of what our family looks like, we can all be defenders of the family. Families come in all shapes and sizes. You have the traditional family with mom/dad/sibling(s), mom/sibling(s), dad/siblings(s), or maybe you are living with an aunt/uncle or grandparents. Β It doesn’t matter what your family looks like. What matters is that a family is ordained of God and defined as having a husband and wife legally married and taking care of their children together. Life doesn’t always allow that to happen. But we are still stand up for what’s right.

Families matter. Why? Because it’s our family that will help us get back to our Father in Heaven some day!

Don’t forget to pray about what message to share with your sisters and how you can serve them. I hope this printable will help inspire you and your sisters.

Happy October ladies!!


October Visiting Teaching Message: The Family Is Ordained of God

~Right click and save image to downloads~


4 thoughts on “October 2016 Visiting Teaching: The Family Is Ordained of God

  1. I hear tell you are putting together something awesome for our November VTing message and it has to do with a jar?? I suspect you are still working on it, as it isn’t the actual END of OCTOBER, yet. Is it something you are planning to share?? I’m NOT currently following you on InstaGram, but NOW suspect it’s something I should be doing, yes?? Will you be sharing your “jar of wonderment” soon?? Thanks, my friend!! xoxox


    1. I will absolutely share it via fb! It will also be posted here on my blog to. I would say follow me on Instagram because that is where I am at all the time. Everything I post on Instagram does go to my fan page on fb too but Instagram is my main platform! My goal is to have Novembers handout posted on the 1st but I still have some more work to do on it so we’ll see what happens!


    2. πŸ˜ƒ Thanks sooo much for responding! You are AWESOME! πŸ‘ I’m not on fb, but I’ll be watching πŸ‘€ via all other avenues!! May the force be with YOU!! πŸ’ž

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